Monday, July 2, 2012

Can you see me with a bustle & an umbrella??

The God who made the world and everything in it—He is Lord of heaven and earth...He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. He did this so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist.
im thankful that God appointed the timeframes in which we live in and our place to live. He put us here for this specific time in this specific place!! wow - that is astounding! He didn't assign me to live in the 1800's or even back in the day of the poodle skirt & bobby socks. He didn't assign my address to some tiny dot somewhere else in the world -- He specifically assigned me to live in 2012, in the USA, in Alabama.

i have a heart for other nations & for people of other nationalities. i have friends and family that HE has appointed to live in other places, and im thankful for their obedience to His assignment.

But for now, my appointment is here - in the USA. i want to serve the Lord well -- here. In this place within the boundary God has set for me. Please don't misunderstand me, i want soooo badly to go on a mission trip - to serve Him on some different soil - to play soccer with a smiling African child, or sing songs in Rio, Ireland, Spain, or wherever!   i want to pray diligently for those who are taking the gospel to far away places ~ even this very week!! (Like the teams from our church who are sharing Jesus in places like Austria, Romania,Uganda, Guatemala etc.!) i want to continually pray for my niece & nephew who teach in Indonesia, and so many other missionaries that are serving Jesus all over this globe. i want to take part in that!! missions all over the world!! Praying, giving, going!

but ... for now my physical assignment is here...USA. Alabama. Morgan County. Decatur. CBC.Priceville. PES.Our community. Our neighborhood. Our street. Our home!

my heart gets proud when i see the American Flag flying & i hear patriotic songs & see fireworks. I love our nation!! but our nation needs JESUS!! our neighbors need to know that He is NOT far from each one of us. I hope as i celebrate our nation's birthday, that i will re-up my commitment to the assignment He has given me -- for such a time as this!!