Monday, February 20, 2012

crammed full

In our SS class we are going through the book of John. This week we were studying John 17. The whole chapter ia Jesus praying - praying for Himself, for His current followers, and for us! I love that -- Jesus praying for us! wow!!

In verse 13 Jesus prays "that they may have the full measure of my joy within them." Our teacher described that as a fishing term where their nets were "crammed full" of fish, so full that the nets would be weighed down and overflowing with fish. And that is the term Jesus used when He prayed for JOY for us ~ that we would be crammed full of His joy!! I like that. I desire that. i have some spaces in my life that are crammed full & it's not so great for those areas.  BUT to be crammed full of joy -- now that's a different story!! weeeeeeo.

Please Lord Jesus-- let me be crammed full of Your JOY so that others may see it & want to know YOU!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jump in - Let's Go!!!

Follow Me. For the past few days I've been reading in Mark where Jesus invites a variety of guys to follow Him. Yesterday's reading He said that to some fishemen, who immediately dropped what they were doing and followed. That may have been difficult for me if I was out enjoying a day on the water, but I hope I would have followed. Then in today's reading, He invited Matthew to follow him. Matthew was tax collector. If I was a tax collector - I would have gladly followed the first person who invited me to leave my  job! so that would have been easy. ;)  Soooo that kinda got me to thinking. Follow ME...they stopped what they were doing and they followed Him on foot. Walking. following. Walking together.

Thinking about that got me to thinking about how today it would look a little differently. "Follow Me" He'd say, and I'd run to my lil Honda jump in the driver's seat and pull up right behind Jesus in His car. (You can decide WJWD -what Jesus would drive - ha!) Then off we go. He knows the destination and the best route to get there. He even knows about the fun stops and crazy detours we will encounter. I just have to follow. Keep up with the Leader. Keep Him in focus. Stay in communication with Him.

Following. Sometimes it's like this for me. Jesus, the Leader and me, the follower ~ just us ~  traveling on a two-lane road. Sunny day. No traffic. Newly paved, few bumps. Taking in the beauty. Enjoying the scenery. Music playing. Sun-roof open. Crusing behind the Lead car. Few distractions. The fun days of following. Not exactly knowing where we're going, but following closely. Enjoying the ride. Enjoying the journey. I've experienced that. Jesus leading, I'm following and the days are filled with the ease of complete trust in the Leader.  Even stopping along the route at all the best places. Ahhhh the good times of following!

Following. Sometimes it more like traveling through a frenetic big city, traffic jams, malfunction junctions, horns blowing, aggressive drivers, hectic, wild, over-crowded highways during a hard rain. With all those distractions, I lose sight of the Lead car. Is that Him? Where I'm supposed to go? Did I miss a turn? Where is my Leader? What have I done? Rain. Storm. Traffic. More distractions! A.D.D. Mixed in with fears and tears. Leader, where are YOU and where are WE going?? Have You forgotten about me back here, somewhere, trying to follow You? Exit now! Collect thoughts. Communicate - aka Pray for wisdom! Focus. Deep breaths. There HE is. Whew. He was waiting for me. "Sorry, Lord." I have to say. "I got so distracted. I lost sight of YOU."

"Follow Me."
"Lord I tried."
"Maybe we should just walk?"
"yes, Lord, walking together is good."