Thursday, March 29, 2012

Now i lay me down to sleep...

occasionally i have nightmares. these bad dreams cause me to scream out loud, not just in the dream but in real life. And now that im a married chickadee, when i have nightmares & scream out, this waay cool thing that happens. my hubby comforts & calms me. he groggily says, "you okay?" & then he holds me tight till our racing hearts (mine's racing from the dream, his is racing from being rudely awakened from his sleep) calm down to normal and we both fall back into peaceful slumber. zzzzzzzzzz. 

nightmares happen. 
life causes them. the mind works while the body tries to rest.
maybe the past causes them. maybe worries about the days ahead. maybe stress from a hectic day. or maybe supper isn't settling quite right, but whatever it is -- it happens. not often for me (thankfully) but it does!

this morning, after having a bad dream last night...i read this ~

"So they got into a boat...Jesus settled down for a nap...a fierce storm came...the disciples woke Him up...He rubuked the storm and all was calm." (Luke 8 NLT)

This has always been one of my favorite miracles that Jesus did!! i've always loved the part when Jesus calms the storm! today i focused on another part of this story to love. Jesus was sleeping through the storm. I guess we could say it like this, "Jesus slept." (winky face)

The disciples were in a panic while Jesus was snoozing DURING the storm. He did not prevent the storm from coming, but He had perfect peace to sleep while it was raging.

Sometimes He chooses to rebuke the storm so that all is calm. sometimes we just need to go to Him & let Him hold us till we calm down so we can rest during the storm. 

That's my prayer for the upcoming days. That no matter what, i will wholeheartedly trust Jesus & that we will have peace before, during, and after the storm passes.

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Now i lay me down to sleep
I love you Jesus, with a love so deep

Now i lay me down to rest.
I ask for Your peace - cause it's the best!

Good night erryone. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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