Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thinkfulness vs. Thankfulness

I've been learning how thankfulness allows God's peace to be more prevelant in our lives. in the last few days, i've been tooo "thinkful" instead of being "thankful". when i get this way -- it's not good.

[btdub - Thinkful is a carolism ~ you can figure out what it means for youself ~ but for me "thinkfulness" is letting my mind get bogged down on things that i should not dwell on, or worry about, or over-analyze. it's those thoughts that make chew my nails, or stress out, or shut down. it's those things that if pondered on tooo long can steal my joy, make me mad or sad for no real reason, cause me to waste time, and can hinder my relationships (w/God & others), etc.]

so i decided to come up with a very short thankful list - just for today. it's def not extensive. it's not all inclusive. it doesn't even touch the tip of the huge iceberg of thankfulness that i need to crash into every day, but it did help me turn my "stinking thinking" into snipets of thanksgiving to our Father.

5. Thank You Lord for reminding me of the ways YOU HAVE and ARE answering prayers from my past! today reminded me to be very grateful that i don't usually sit alone in church anymore. You've blessed me with a godly husband, precious kiddos (that still like to sit with us) and good friends. (There was a time when i sat hurting & alone every Sunday & prayed for someone to sit with -- Lord, Thank You that You were listening & teaching me to wait & trust YOU!)

4. Thank You Lord for Christian fiction for these days when i juss wanna sit & enjoy a good book! (when i was getting my master's degree, i remember longing for days when i could read a non-txtbook or non-counseling related articles -- now that i can read free choice books -- i want to completely appreciate the moment. )

3. Thank You Lord for forgiving me of my pettiness. i drive myself crazy with foolish things that weigh me down. Thank You for helping me let go of some of it. im sorry that i get so tangled up in unimportant matters.

2. Thank you Lord for sunshine!! i love it -- i really do. i need to remind myself to be thankful for the sunshine because at first, i wanted to be kinda gripy about the cool temps and gusty wind during "my" Spring Break, but then i noted -- it could be pouring rain, or severe weathering, so thankfulness for the beautiful sunshine is the route i'll go! i remind myself - every day of life is a beautiful day. "Thank You Lord for the beautiful day! It's perfect just the way You made it!!"

1. The number one thing i'm thankful for today is wellness!!! Thank You Lord for good health!! Please forgive me for taking this incredible blessing for granted. So many are sick and hurting. They need Your healing -- please be with family and friends that need the Great Physician. And help the rest of us to sincerely thank You for the gift of wellness.

so there it is...5 things that im thankful for at this moment. wow!!  NOW i want to continue thanking the Father for the zillion other things that have come to mind....

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! A few months ago I remember coming up with something for me - the perpetual thinker - to try to live this out more consistently..."more thanking, less thinking!" Still a long way off, but with God's grace and help I am growing. :)
